27 Nov LR International Named to Planning Committee for the 2016 West Michigan World Trade Week
LR INTERNATIONAL is proud to be part of the planning committee for the 2016 West Michigan World Trade Week. This annual event brings exporters, service providers and Government together to focus on exporting from the West Michigan area. LRI has had a long history of serving West Michigan exporters and teaching and training in the West Michigan community. As such, LRI was asked to serve on the planning committee. The events begin on May 9 and run all week culminating in a day full of informative presentations and break-out education sessions on May 12. The VIP reception in the evening on Thursday May 12 will close the week’s schedule and is not to be missed! For more information or to register to attend the events please visit www.worldtradeweekmi.org
Paul Jarzombek Chief Operating Officer at LRI will also be teaching grade school classes in West Michigan for the Junior Achievement Program as part of the World Trade Week events.